Monday, September 30, 2013



In every age, the wise have spoken against the greed for wealth. Quran has called it hatamah [“crushing torment, hellfire;” chapter 104], the flames of which rise like pillars that overpower the heart and incinerate the man. The wealth that is not “hatamah,” like the bright sun, or a star-lit night, or the coolness of the moon, or like the scented breeze, is that peaceful heart that has no greed or avarice, that stays away from lies, that has the yearning to help others as well, and that wishes to live for God’s creatures. 

It is these kind hearted people who are blessed with peace of heart and mind, and their constructive thought is the thought of Allah. In their view, all people are their kin. They see Allah’s noor [‘pure light’] in everyone. Their life is a compilation of such bright and pure thoughts that have no impurity in them. Hell created by greed and sin finds no room for them. Their life has the kind of serenity that is felt by an infant in his mother’s arms.

~ Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Joy and sorrow are dependent upon ones thoughts and


- Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin #Azeemi


لوگوں کے لئے رحمت بن جاؤ، تمھیں بھی رحمت اللعالمین صلٰی 

اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی رحمت کا سایہ ملے گا۔۔۔

(حضرت واصف علی واصف رحمۃ اللہ علیہ)